Restorative Dentistry

Learn about Restorative Dentistry with expert articles and blog posts from Cornerstone Dentistry.

Dental Bridges 101


A hole in your smile is never a positive thing. It negatively affects physical appearance, eating, speaking, and your overall sense of confidence and well-being. Let Cornerstone Dentistry bridge the gap between where you are with your smile and where you want to be! A missing tooth or teeth can also cause jaw pain and [...]

Dental Bridges 1012024-08-03T00:33:02-04:00

Dental Crowns 101


Sometimes in life, you just need a do-over. That’s precisely what dental crowns are—a new start for your tooth. Teeth are important players in your life! They’re not only the first responders for your digestive tract, but they can make a great first impression – so you deserve a beautiful, fully-functioning set. If your teeth [...]

Dental Crowns 1012024-08-03T00:33:10-04:00
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