Sleep Apnea

Learn about sleep apnea treatment options and solutions in Cornerstone Dentistry’s blog.

Bad Breath: When Morning Breath Becomes Halitosis


It’s often said that a true friend will tell you if you have bad breath. Bad breath, formally known as halitosis, is embarrassing and can hold you back from truly enjoying your life and social situations. Like good friends, Dr. Hardy and Dr. Wilson in Anderson will tell it to you straight. Read more below [...]

Bad Breath: When Morning Breath Becomes Halitosis2024-08-03T00:34:23-04:00

Do You Have TMJ? You Might Have Sleep Apnea


Your jawbone (the mandible) meets your skull bone (the temporal bone) at the temporomandibular joint or TMJ. On a good day, this joint allows your mouth to open and close, to speak and eat or rest. On a bad day, you can develop pain and dysfunction in the TMJ that affects many areas of your [...]

Do You Have TMJ? You Might Have Sleep Apnea2024-08-03T00:34:26-04:00
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