Cornerstone Dentistry

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So far Cornerstone Dentistry has created 189 blog entries.

Gingivitis – Are Your Gums Trying to Tell You Something?


Gingivitis – very simply – is an inflammation of your gums. (Any time a medical term ends with “itis” it means inflammation.) Gingivitis varies in severity and can look a few different ways. Very bad gingivitis leads to periodontal (gum) disease. Gingivitis is common and affects many, rather, most adults. But with good oral hygiene [...]

Gingivitis – Are Your Gums Trying to Tell You Something?2024-08-03T00:34:33-04:00

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Not So Wise


Most Anderson folks have had some exposure to the concept of wisdom teeth. Perhaps you have had yours removed, are considering a removal, or Dr. Hardy and Dr. Wilson have just shown you an x-ray with the dreaded third molars creeping into view. It’s common to hear patients ask how they are removed, but we [...]

Why Wisdom Teeth Are Not So Wise2024-08-13T23:53:33-04:00

Is Your Lipstick Aging You?


Cornerstone Dentistry believes that natural beauty comes first. Our priority is for you to feel comfortable in your smile, and nothing should hold you back from laughing and grinning each day. Many different dental treatments can bring you this lifelong confidence. But we also know that the right makeup can enhance your natural beauty. It’s [...]

Is Your Lipstick Aging You?2024-08-03T00:34:34-04:00

Destination Dentistry – Are the Savings Worth the Risk?


Ah, vacation. The sun, the sand, the… gauze in your mouth? Dental work and recovery might not be your preferred use of your precious vacation days, but some people are packing their bags and heading to exotic locations for dental work in hopes of saving money. As medical education and technology improve all around the [...]

Destination Dentistry – Are the Savings Worth the Risk?2024-10-24T02:59:54-04:00

Oral Health & Alzheimer’s – Don’t Forget to Floss!


Did you know that unhealthy gums might put your brain at risk? Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia, which harms your memory, ability to think, and can cause changes in your personality. It’s very common and usually affects people aged 60 and over. And, Alzheimer’s might be significantly more likely to happen if your mouth [...]

Oral Health & Alzheimer’s – Don’t Forget to Floss!2024-08-03T00:34:35-04:00

The Most Important Film of the Year: Biofilm


Biofilm is quite literally a “film” or layer of biological matter that forms on teeth, in sink pipes, on river rocks, and more. Biofilm is made of many different things. Think of it as concrete, which contains cement as well as a slew of other materials. It’s likely you’ve been aware of biofilm on your [...]

The Most Important Film of the Year: Biofilm2024-08-03T00:34:35-04:00

Cold Sores 101


Cold sore. Fever blister. Herpes simplex virus-1. These babies go by a lot of different names, but the experience is always the same: Tell-tale burning or itching near the lip Red bump appears a day or so later Bump becomes a cluster of blisters Blisters dry up and scab over The scab falls off The [...]

Cold Sores 1012024-08-13T23:54:02-04:00

Brushing Your Teeth – Are You Doing it Wrong?


Did you know that certain times of day might be better for brushing than others? While it’s always recommended to brush your teeth twice per day, and floss once per day, your timing is also important. If you love your pearly whites and want to keep them around as long as possible (because face it, [...]

Brushing Your Teeth – Are You Doing it Wrong?2024-08-03T00:34:36-04:00

Welcome Home


Welcome to our new website! We are thrilled with the launch of our new online home that will help us provide a better experience for our patients. This site is meant to be an extension of our practice that allows you to easily find information and schedule appointments, and a resource for our patients and [...]

Welcome Home2024-08-03T00:34:37-04:00
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