Cornerstone Dentistry

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So far Cornerstone Dentistry has created 189 blog entries.

Finding Your Oasis: Food & Drinks for Dry Mouth


Xerostomia is the technical term for dry mouth, the condition that results from absent or reduced saliva flow. It is not a disease on its own, but it may be a side effect of medication or radiation treatments.  Xerostomia affects about 20% of the elderly population—not because of their age, but due to the [...]

Finding Your Oasis: Food & Drinks for Dry Mouth2024-08-03T00:32:32-04:00

Is It Time for Braces Already?


These days, people of all ages receive orthodontic treatment, but many of us still associate braces with the awkward and angsty pre-teen and teen years. While some kids are excited about braces because they know some “cool” teenagers who have them, others may worry about how braces might look or feel. Mom and Dad are [...]

Is It Time for Braces Already?2024-08-03T00:32:33-04:00

Dental Implants: A Brief History of Tooth Replacement Innovation


Today’s dental implants boast a long-term success rate of near 97%. Because implants support surrounding teeth, encourage new tissue growth and continued bone formation, and give patients back full chewing ability and a complete smile, they have become the industry standard for tooth replacement. Today, your Anderson dentists, Dr. Hardy & Dr. Wilson at Cornerstone [...]

Dental Implants: A Brief History of Tooth Replacement Innovation2024-08-13T23:36:36-04:00

“Buy-Up” Dental Insurance: A Little Extra Protection


What is “Buy-Up” Dental Insurance? “Buy-up” dental insurance allows enrollees with group insurance to “buy-up” to more generous benefits by paying higher monthly premiums and receiving more comprehensive dental coverage in return. The differences between “regular” and “buy-up” dental coverages are easy to pinpoint when benefit summaries of the plans are viewed side by side: [...]

“Buy-Up” Dental Insurance: A Little Extra Protection2024-08-03T00:32:34-04:00

Filling in the Gaps: Restoring Your Smile & Quality of Life


Life is full of unexpected surprises, and while we’d love for all of them to be smile-inducing, that’s not entirely realistic—and there may be many reasons you hide your smile. If you’re hiding your smile because of one or more missing teeth, we want you to know you’re not alone. In fact, 120 million people [...]

Filling in the Gaps: Restoring Your Smile & Quality of Life2024-08-03T00:32:34-04:00

Oral Cancer – Prevention & Early Detection


Cancer is always a scary word—but it doesn’t have to be the last word. Equipped with good information and the best doctors, you can feel empowered to navigate whatever stands before you or your loved one. Oral cancer is common, affecting approximately 50,000 Americans every year. If you have more questions about oral cancer, read [...]

Oral Cancer – Prevention & Early Detection2024-08-03T00:32:35-04:00

DDS vs. DMD: A Dental Degree Breakdown


If you are looking for a dentist in Anderson, you may have picked up on the fact that there are two types of dental degrees – DDS and DMD. Perhaps you’ve noticed that there are far more of one than the other, or maybe they are split 50/50. Either way, you’re probably wondering what the [...]

DDS vs. DMD: A Dental Degree Breakdown2024-08-03T00:32:35-04:00

Lemon Juice – The Good, The Bad, & The Sour


In a great tale of opposites, lemon juice can be both acidic and basic, or alkaline. Read on to find out why people are talking about this, and what it means for your oral and overall health. What Is pH & Why Does It Matter? Drinking lemon juice (usually diluted in a glass of water [...]

Lemon Juice – The Good, The Bad, & The Sour2024-08-03T00:32:36-04:00

Did George Washington Really Have Wooden Teeth?


When he became the first president of the United States, George Washington had only one real tooth left! You heard right—just ONE. Everyone has heard something about this great man and his dental history, but if you heard that Washington had wooden teeth, then you heard wrong.  This myth is totally false—and Dr. Hardy & [...]

Did George Washington Really Have Wooden Teeth?2024-08-03T00:32:37-04:00
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