Cosmetic Dentistry

Achieve a perfect smile with insights on cosmetic dentistry from Cornerstone Dentistry’s blog.

Filling in the Gaps: Restoring Your Smile & Quality of Life


Life is full of unexpected surprises, and while we’d love for all of them to be smile-inducing, that’s not entirely realistic—and there may be many reasons you hide your smile. If you’re hiding your smile because of one or more missing teeth, we want you to know you’re not alone. In fact, 120 million people [...]

Filling in the Gaps: Restoring Your Smile & Quality of Life2023-10-23T21:46:47-04:00

Is it Time to Straighten?


When to Straighten Your Teeth There are a lot of reasons to straighten your teeth, and there are a lot of ways to do it. But you may not know that there are many unique times in your life when it might be best to straighten your teeth. In general, dentists begin considering the potential [...]

Is it Time to Straighten?2023-10-23T21:48:02-04:00

Did George Washington Really Have Wooden Teeth?


When he became the first president of the United States, George Washington had only one real tooth left! You heard right—just ONE. Everyone has heard something about this great man and his dental history, but if you heard that Washington had wooden teeth, then you heard wrong.  This myth is totally false—and Dr. Hardy & [...]

Did George Washington Really Have Wooden Teeth?2023-10-23T21:49:01-04:00

Caring for Your Dentures


The image of a glass full of false teeth on the nightstand is plastered all throughout popular culture. You would think that soaking your dentures in water and cleaner is sufficient, but Cornerstone Dentistry reminds us that proper denture care requires more than just that. In fact, denture maintenance is an important part of oral health. For [...]

Caring for Your Dentures2023-10-23T21:59:49-04:00

The Benefits of Composite Fillings


Traditionally, dentists have used what’s known as amalgam, or special metal alloys, to fill cavities. However, modern dental medicine has advanced to the point that Dr. Dale Hardy & Dr. Andrew Wilson can offer Anderson patients a much better option for filling holes caused by tooth decay: composite fillings. At Cornerstone Dentistry, we would like [...]

The Benefits of Composite Fillings2023-10-23T22:04:20-04:00

The Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth


We all remember losing our teeth as children and being delighted to find money from the tooth fairy under our pillow, but it’s just not as much fun losing teeth as an adult. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, adults between the ages of 20 and 64 have an average of [...]

The Best Way to Replace Missing Teeth2023-10-23T22:12:22-04:00

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing


There is a law of nature that states: “function follows form.” This saying means that how something appears determines how it works. For example, you may own many screwdrivers of different sizes and shapes (form) to loosen all different kinds of screws (function). Think of a watering can with a long spout that’s perfect for [...]

Cosmetic Dentistry – A Beautiful Smile is a Powerful Thing2023-10-23T22:12:34-04:00

I Need Straight Teeth… Tomorrow!


If you’ve been considering straightening your smile but don’t want to go through the lengthy process of traditional braces, Six Month Smiles® may be a great solution. If a big life event such as a wedding, prom, or reunion is coming up and you need a quick fix to boost your confidence, consulting your local [...]

I Need Straight Teeth… Tomorrow!2023-10-23T22:56:22-04:00

Types for All Stripes: Teeth Whitening


Whiter, brighter teeth are on the top of everyone’s smile wish list – and for good reason! White teeth look young and healthy. The good news is that teeth whitening is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to improve your smile, and the results are almost immediate. If you’re already taking good care of [...]

Types for All Stripes: Teeth Whitening2023-10-23T23:04:44-04:00
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